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First Steps for Survival
The crisis has hit. It is overwhelming. It is consuming. You cannot think, reason or function. Retreat from the chaos. Grace yourself with privacy and time. Eat. Drink water. You cannot function if you cannot physically survive.
Start a to-do list. What are the top five things that must be done? Focus on those only.
It is important to not isolate yourself from others. Yet, you must insulate yourself. To insulate is to pack in around you those who are stable, trustworthy, wise counselors, and pillars of strength for you at this time. Recruit them. Confide in them. Have them be those not emotionally or directly involved in your crisis. Choose five or less who are your front line defense for survival. Place them on a group text/call for easy access. Choose/designate one to be your information channel. Ask them to serve as an informant to others – both public and family. You cannot talk to everyone about everything. Let a liaison advocate do that for you. (Close family should not be given this responsibility. They are hurting as much as you are.)
Draw from your reserves. Your past preparation for disaster times will serve your well at this time.
Visit the bank to inform them, and let them know your situation. Make no promises nor sign any documentation. Emotional times are not times to make commitments and decisions. Just be honest. Keep on/with you emergency funds at all times. You do not know what each moment will demand of you.
Visit your employer to inform them, and let them know your situation. Consider a Leave of Absence. Yet, make no decisions. No promises. Tell them your chosen/designated informant will be in continual contact. Appoint backup assistants/co-workers to your areas of responsibility. Give immediate direction as you deem necessary to buy you time to deal with and focus on your crisis. (Lesson plans, client lists, access to important files for reference, current pending contracts…etc.)
Surround yourself with hope. You cannot travel this journey alone. And you are not alone. Help is here. Encouragement is here. Open yourself to it. Search for it.
Remain strong and confident. This too will pass. No matter the outcome, you will survive. You will breathe again without a reminder to do so. And you will see hope.
Until then, remain. Plant your feet firmly. Stand firm. Remain strong. Tell others you are not in a place to make monumental decisions, nor engage in exhausting conversations. Just breathe. Just stand still.
Great victory comes from great preparation and great perseverance. Your stability during this time is critical. Critical for you. Critical for your children and family. Critical for the community. The waves of crisis realization will impact many. It will come in waves. Remain where you are. You are not responsible for the reactions nor emotions of others. Nor can you control what is happening or what has happened. There will be fallout. Remain and remind yourself that you need support. If medicine is needed, consider your options through professional consultation. Care for yourself first. As in an airplane, your “oxygen mask” must be placed over you first, then your children.